

About the Hat
- The hat is a high quality cotton six panel cap made
by Port Authority
- All hats are two tone.
- Sizing is adjustable with a metal fabric closer.
- The front logo is Stiched / Embroidered with the "Do
Science Logo" and web address.
Hats are $15.99 plus
shipping and Handling.


Be the first one on your block to own a
"Do Science" hat!

Need a reason to buy a "Do Science"
Just read this!
- They are hot!
- They are cool!
- They are fashionable!
- They don't need a pocket protector!
- They have a scientifically designed vaulted vision
visor to block harmful rays from our closest star - the
- They will help to keep your head from freezing.
- They are catalytic: the higher the temperature, the
faster the exothermic reactions. You'll keep your brain
activity accellerated with this noggin insulator.
- They are thinking caps!
- They help you do science!
- No one will mess with you!
Here are the color schemes of Do Science
hats. You may receive one of the following combinations:

Here is the Do Science hat logo.