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While You're Waiting for the Food to Come
by Eric Muller, Illustrated by Eldon Doty


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There is more flavor information in food than meets the tongue. You can fool a friend's sense of taste with this one.


- Salad bar with lots of different types of food.

The Recipe:

1) Load your plate with foods that have the same type of feel or texture in your mouth. Check out my list for ideas and examples.

Food with the same type of texture or "mouth feel"
Apples and Pears
Lemons and Oranges
Carrots and Celery
Avocado and Bananas
Potatoes and Beets
Mashed Potatoes and Apple Sauce
Olives and Grapes
Different types of Jell-O or Pudding

2) Choose one person to be the "taster" and one person to be the "server."
3) The "taster" should pinch his nose shut, open his mouth and close his eyes.
4) The "server" should place a piece of food in the "taster's" mouth.
5) The "taster" should chew their food and move it around in his mouth for a few seconds.
6) Before the "taster" swallows, ask him what's in his mouth. Is he right or wrong?
7) Tell the" taster" to let go of his nose. Does he change his guess as to what's in his mouth?
8) Switch jobs and tries it again.

Food for Thought:

Have you ever gotten a cold and a clogged nose? Food just doesn't taste as good, does it? That's because flavor information can't make it to the odor receptors in your nose. Our noses can tell the difference between many different things, but our tongues can only detect a few flavors: bitter, sour, salty and sweet. Most food flavor comes from our sense of smell, not our sense of taste. Only about 10% to 20% of flavor information comes from our tongue.

Copyright 1998 Eric Muller
While You're Waiting for the Food to Come"

Original copyright of While You're Waiting for the Food to Come 1995 Eric Muller

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